Prince Sultan St, Al Mohammadiyadh Dist, Jeddah (KSA) |
Sartoretto Verna was actually in charge of the Myclinic Project (earlier known as “Bupa”) in Jeddah on a later stage when most of the construction choices were already done.
The Pharmacy is connected to the clinic’s entry hall throughout either a glass corridor and an outside door. The aim of the project was looking at making the Pharmacy more visible to the clientele. In that respect, a colored layout was conceived in reference to the Pharmacy logo and its business communication.
The issues were oriented at giving a fresher and more modern image throughout a luminous working environment. There was an extra-care in dealing with the counter desk area with the aim of putting together the pharmacist and the clients on a sort of relaxed and private relationship.
The Pharmacy premises were originally organized with very large pillars which were subsequently clad, colored and transformed into showcases along a slatted wall. Some niches were created along the way to display the latest products.
Some showcases with a transparent bottom panel were inserted in front of the shop window to make the natural light go through and keep up with in-house visibility.
The open layout permits to visually embrace the whole retail area. There is a small waiting room and the plexiglass gondola (made of wood as well) have got a tree-shape. The plexiglass gondolas and the counter desks have been used either as commercial space and as consultancy fittings.
In accordance to a recent remodeling, the whole area connected to the ethical sector was totally re-planned by inserting the new “Simon 2” counter desks. The graphics was changed and new accessories were added in order to accomplish a better understanding of the many product categories and keep things ordered at the same time. The waiting room has been also refreshed by inserting some new sofas with cold colors and some accessories to reinforce impulse purchases throughout suitable accessories.
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