Hospital pharmacy design

Thumbay Hospital Pharmacy, Ajman UAE

Thumbay Hospital Pharmacy

Ajman UAE |

Hospital pharmacy design


The aim behind the Pharmacy of “Thumbay” University Hospital in Ajman UAE was not only to create a service for the community by opening the structure outwardly. There was actually the will to make it become a reference point for the whole Emirate.


The idea was to reinforce either the brand and the Thumbay Hospital identity in light of the pharmacy location beside the lobby for patients acceptance and to create a state-of-the-art unique pharmacy.


Also the Hospital management required a “shop-in-shop” concept of the “Nutri Plus Vita” chain conceived in line with the business of nutrition products for family health . It was inserted to make the pharmacy become a pleasant place to receive one’s own prescription or purchase products for physical health.

Hospital pharmacy design


The pharmacy has a longitudinal development throughout a rectangular plan of X m2. The different patients pathways happening inside have been treated by three purchase processes:

  • Who is entering to shop;
  • Who is entering to buy medicines and is then tempted by impulse purchases;
  • Who is entitled to health insurance and is waiting for receiving medicines and treatments.



The aforementioned subdivision is clearly communicated and, because of the insurance-holders’ location at the very back of the pharmacy area, the visibility and walk-permeability of the whole premises have been made more accessible also on behalf of most disadvantaged social categories.


There is a minimal but elegant atmosphere, very luminous and with an eye to advanced technology. This Pharmacy in fact is the first totally automated one to be conceived in a private Hospital within the UAE territory.


Fittings colors are cold, monothematic and articulated around green, gold and white, colors that match the Hospital Pharmacy logo.


There are #12 “Lea” single-operator counter-desks with a protection screen for privacy purposes dedicated to insurance-holder patients throughout two waiting areas and #3 “Oliver” counter-desks for people without insurance. The main pathway takes place just on one side and leaves the client to proceed either with just one purchase or linger over many transparent plexiglass gondolas. Luminous walkways highlight some bigger health items.


Some golden sails alternate on the ceiling with air-operated delivery pipes connected with Swisslog automation system disclose the medicine pathway above clients and lead them towards the check-in and medicine-dispensing counters.


Waiting areas are #3 and all of them finished with natural colors to inspire feelings of relaxation and peace. The third one: the Marhaba Louge” is located beside the pharmacy entrance and is reserved to VIP clients. It is actually the Lounge room equipped with a custom-based easy service in conjunction with the possibility to have a personal consultancy with the pharmacist.

Hospital pharmacy design
Hospital pharmacy design
Hospital pharmacy design



Hospital pharmacy design



Ajman UAE |

A beacon of health care and wellness


The new North Tower Al-Moosa Specialist Hospital is a specialized centre for rehabilitation currently under construction. It can lodge #220 new beds, an area of 65.000 sqm and 17 floors dedicated to chronic patients. The new expansion will be revolving around: cardiology, oncology, neuroscience, orthopedics, surgery, burns and intensive therapies. A new specialized pharmacy with a distinctive and unique character was requested to cope with patients with serious illnesses and long stays.


It was important to foreseen a specialized and state-of-the-art pharmaceutical centre to either valorize the adjoining lobby and transmit a sense of protection, peace and stress-free atmosphere.


A breakthrough pharmacy with a practical approach, and innovative as well thanks to its matchless identity: a medication pharmacy with an artistic touch.


The indoor premises were conceived not to go straight towards the impulse purchase but on the contrary to make the client get accustomed with a new relaxing mood, a pleasant one without so much pressure. That was specifically targeted to make chronic patients at ease with their constant discomfort. 

Hospital pharmacy design

The innovative project considered that the Pharmacy experiential message had to be articulated throughout a two-pronged strategy:

  1. Cure (sticking with therapies, being proactive to questions, problem solving, information)
  2. No stress (relax, soft music release, naturalness of premises with a cold-color layout)

The purchase experience which is usually paramount throughout Sartoretto Verna Design-Phase was left in this case behind, especially in relation to any commercial strategy. The clients needed to be re-considered not only as a patient, but also with his range of feelings connected to his relatives’ ones.

We started right from this point: the chronic patient. This figure was placed at the very core of the project  up to the point of imagining with him to access the Pharmacy like an imaginary trip throughout the 380 sqm beside the new specialized hospital’s reception / welcome entrance.

We designed the spaces and developed the ones as to be used to promote a health message, an educational and comforting one.

The new Pharmacy invites the patients only throughout the main hall. There is no chance to enter from the outdoor space. It was paramount to create a fresh and inviting first approach, with a clear and easy pathway to find immediately the services contained inside the Pharmacy.


The logo, placed beside the door, was in this respect a clear invite to enter. Pharmacy users will be people with physical or emotional disabilities. They can usually be the Hospital patients or their family and friends. We created for them an inviting place which can remove all negative feelings and provide the users with a natural environment with relaxing materials and colors.


Nuances of blue and green combined with a bit of yellow and vibrant orange together with natural materials such as wood, stone. Natural images, plants, moss and little trees can really make the environment free of stress, calm people’s mind and create a place where it is easy to pleasantly stay.


The aim was to create a comprehensive healthy experience together with the relaxing atmosphere (the contrary of traditional commercial pharmacies). The target was also to give proper information upon therapies and take care of the patients first and foremost.


We want them to feel home, welcome and facilitate the creation of privacy to be able to interact without constraints. It is important not to forget that the waiting time can be quite exhausting and even more when one is waiting to know upon his own health.

In that respect, we thought of islands, connected each other but still independent, to become the Pharmacy focal point. Each island was meant to represent a macro-category (i.e. diabetics) and must be attended by a specialized pharmacist.


It becomes a little consultancy point or, when possible, a room in which a specialist can be connected once a week. It will be like so also to make the hospital services marketable in case patients and families are not aware of them.

The Almoosa Pharmacy Waiting Area was designed to be sheltered with a wooden dome hosting many green sofas equipped with informational screens, as well as useful accessories such as battery charger for integrated mobile phones.


Screens release reassuring messages in conjunction with the order sequence to access the counter desks. Much attention has been placed to the shape and material of seats which were supposed to be very comfortable and made with durable materials.


Perhaps some heavy seats, hard to be moved, some of them even with armrests in order to make the elderly at ease with moving.


As far as the counter desk area we have considered two different desk categories:

  • The first one for advised retail products: to be promoted always in conjunction with a specialist offering a consultancy for each category of product. The desk is smaller and easily recognizable because of its cladding equipped with a graphic image or the Pharmacy/Sector logo.
  • Ethical Desks: we put the design and automation on the front with the idea of improving the privacy and professionalism of relationship between pharmacist and client. The panels have a plexiglass shield on the front shaped like a leaf protecting the client and making him feel safe. That is a toolkit to encourage a sort of reliability and dependability of relationship between pharmacist and client. It is possible to approach the pharmacy operator to ask for therapies with the idea that the best possible answers will be given with a The relationship is first of all a direct one, with two individuals one in front of the other. All the technological utilities will have their own spaces. Pharmacist’s job will be easy and fast without ever losing the visual contact.


The wall mounted showcases on curved lines get along with the patient form one side to the other of the Pharmacy.


They are gently alternated with other pastel color wooden furniture subdividing the areas in conjunction with the various specialization which the Pharmacy can offer and making them very visible with clear and precise messages.


What must be outstanding is not the amount of products and offers, but the selected and right items remaining on the shelves after having filtered all the unnecessary ones.


The facility to access products is always a prerequisite to commercially succeed. For this very reason also in this Pharmacy the circulation freedom has been guaranteed.


That being said, the help points spread out here and there (i.e. monobrand gondolas) were conceived with the idea of advise the clients and genuinely taking care of them.

Design was there to accomplish a promise of health, helping people to smile and making them feel better!

Hospital pharmacy design
Hospital pharmacy design


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