Pharmaton 2005 for a STRONG pharmacy

Pharmaton Gold 2005

We would like to thank all the pharmacists who participated in the spa weekend at Montecatini Termewhich was organised as part of Pharmaton Gold 2005.

is organised by Boehringer Ingelheim and was started in 2002 in order to strengthen the  the pharmacy sector. Sartoretto Verna shares this same objective and has been working towards this for the last 40 years. The cooperation between the two companies was started after they worked together creating a virtual pharmacy within the Hotel Croce di Malta in Montecatini Terme.

®Ral System2 and ®Ral System3 pharmacy furniture was designed according the latest strategies in visual merchandising and by matching the interior’s colour scheme with the colours of the products on display. Such tonal harmony makes the products stand out while not overpowering them. Furthermore, the use of backlighting makes it seem like the products are hovering above the clean-edged glass shelves.

An intelligent use of colour is fundamental for the pharmacy today as colour coding helps guide customers around the pharmacy and the distinguish one product sector from another. Sartoretto Verna takes great care in planning out every interior’s the colour scheme in order to ensure that it has the desired effect.