Welcome Kazakhstan

Astana, Kazakhstan, a revolution is about to come!

The first Sartoretto Verna Pharmacy will be opened in a few days in Kazakhstan, a country as large as the whole West Europe.

We are proud to speak Russian and to bring Italian innovative designs and ideas even in Astana.

Astana, Kazakhstan capitol city, saw in the last years a unique impulse and by now is considered the Asiatic Dubai, many famous architects have started to built skyscrapers, monuments and new buildings using the most modern materials.

The new pharmacy is part of a well known chain of stores in Kazakhstan, and brings to it a breathe of fresh air thanks to the introduction of automation technology. Customers will be introduced into a bright atmosphere, characterized  by the logo’s sinuous and colorful  curves, and they will be driven trough a well thought path between commodities sectors.

 Once again, Sartoretto Verna has been able to create something unique that will increase sales and will be remembered, thanks to an accurate analysis and consultation work.