Farmacia Le Magnolie interno DOPO min



Our Health & Wellness path MUST pass through the Pharmacy

Opening a new pharmacy is always very challenging. Looking for the right location, negotiating with the local health authorities, compliance with constantly updated regulations, the tight deadlines… All these things add difficulty to fulfill pharmacists’ dream (open their own pharmacy) which, if not envisaged by the right experts, could become a nightmare.

Our clients were aware of all possible complications, that is why they decided to contact our headquarters to design their new Pharmacy by looking at the north surroundings of Rome.

Dr. Toto tells us that she has devoted his life to the profession, managing a rural pharmacy in the Campania Region. On that occasion she decided to entrust the project to a local company, which proved to be not able to realize a Pharmacy up to her expectations. Now, the Pharmacy Director and her partner wanted a unique and different Pharmacy: a Sartoretto Verna™ Pharmacy.

The two pharmacists had in mind a very clear idea of how their new pharmacy should be. They wanted to create a reference point for Health & Wellness, a pharmacy where they can put their expertise and professionalism at the service of their customers. They wanted to create a HEALTH CENTER PHARMACY.

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The Layout design

Since the first meeting with our team took place, the level of understanding was total. The new format created by Sartoretto Verna™ to implement services in pharmacies, was just what the doctors were looking for. They have strived for becoming a local landmark and giving back to pharmacists a leading role in Healthcare up to make their wish come true.

The shortlisted location is placed in a hub area with access from via Piccinini, at the crossing between Via Trionfale and via Cassia, two of the main arterials connecting the northern areas of Rome with the center. 

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BEFORE: Outside view of the location during the refurbishment works.
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AFTER: Outside view of the location after the refurbishment works.

A location like the one available, long, narrow and with only one shop window, did not make the layout design easier. But our experts managed to organize the space at best, optimizing every square meter to ensure the greatest SKU exposure. All this without forgetting the space needed for services and the operating areas.

Toto percorsi

The communication project

From start to finish, the two partners trusted us completely. From the layout design to the communication, passing through the services offer and the visual merchandising, NOTHING WAS LEFT TO CHANCE.

Toto Progetto grafico

Although the place is long, narrow and with little natural light, the Pharmacy looks bright and welcoming and communicates effectively its offer of products and services. The backlit visuals of our displays have a double function: they communicate the Pharmacy’s Brand image and product category.

Close-up of our EASYCHAIN® displays in the Natural Products area.

The logo design and interior communication revolve around the magnolia flower, to emphasize the identity of the Pharmacy. The color palette and pictures reinforce the Brand image and create a pleasant and relaxing environment.

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Beauty Care area, with a suspended backlit canvas showing a blossomed magnolia and our RAL® 6 displays and counter on the same color.
Close-up of a RAL® 8.2 shelf with the integrated holders for category and price strips.

In a HEALTH CENTER the services offered to patients are the most important part. And in Le Magnolie Pharmacy, the service rooms are at the center and can be seen from every point of the sales area, even from the shop window. Self-analysis and Medical Spa services for prevention and health care are the “heart” of the Pharmacy.

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Image of the services area, with the two service rooms.


  • A beautiful and welcoming Pharmacy that communicates its offer of products and services in an effective way;
  • A professional Pharmacy different from its competitors;
  • A new reference point for the community, where people can go looking for specialized health advice;
  • An innovative Pharmacy that grows every day, with more than 200 receipts per day, already from the first week.


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