Chronicle of a New Compounding Pharmacy born during the pandemic period in Astoria (NYC)

Chronicle of a New Compounding Pharmacy born during the pandemic period in Astoria (NYC)

The story behind the commercial adventure with the HEALTH HUB PHARMACY in Astoria takes place with the encounter of an independent pharmacist owner (Dr. Moisey Zargarov) whose vision was to create a different and functional place within his territory, and our company.

“Hello, Health! Welcome to the new idea of pharmacy. It is not a market, it is a place where all your health needs will be met.” (https://www.myhealthhubpharmacy.com/)

We met Moisey during a fair in our booth. Sartoretto Verna regularly attends the best trade shows around the world with the purpose of transmitting to new people all the experience accumulated throughout over #50 years in implementing winning pharmacies. We were in Boston and had the opportunity to talk face-to-face upon the pharmacist’s specific needs for creating either an organized pharmacy and an outstanding one, with a winning concept layout to be right there. We mostly met the client to understand all his concerns and coped with the same in the most efficient way ever. 

SV considers its relation with the client a one-to-one winning process. Our goal is to grow up pharmacies and pharmacists going for professionality. We do believe that the design of a pharmacy needs to be treated in a different way from a normal store since we’re talking here about the health, families’ wellness and communities where pharmacies are needed to become a focal point. Likewise, considering that everybody is now looking for digital stores, we understand the importance of the physical pharmacies as a centre of advice, consultation and a bit of psychology therapy for patients. 

So it is important to organize and optimize the space at its best, welcome patients and solve their needs. We should bear in mind that, while all the stores were closing down during the covid, all pharmacies kept being open. This fact will stick in the minds of your communities and it will be the base of the loyalty as well.

So go for a different layout, a different strategy, a different communication and fixtures created for pharmacies. Going with cheap and dark metal shelves is the solution for those who are reluctant to offer professional health services to the community but only shopping drugstores.

Dr. Moisey shared with us the very same goal. That is, creating a Professional Compounding Pharmacy, not just another market! So we went to NY to meet him and talk about how to implement what he had in mind in the new location already found in the area of Astoria (an area heavily Greek and Arabic).

After just a month, the pharmacy project was ready and as it was summer time we were lucky to meet again in person, this time in our headquarters in Rome, Italy! Beside, it would have also been possible and easier to present the project by remote thanks to the technology.

He and his business partner David Khaimov attended our 10000 sqft showroom and appreciated our quality products, the lighting environment we can create in terms of marketing and the endless options to personalize the graphic concept.

Also here in the SV World, internal layouts, light and environment, colors and materials are used in harmony as a whole to create a STRESS-FREE place to work.

Our headquarters in Rome were defined by a pharmacist: “a wonderful place for ideas”. Inside the Veio Park there is a place where Pharmacists from all over the world meet and tell us about their stories, and they often are family ones very similar to ours!

We brought Moisey and David around to see some of our pharmacies and they attended with us one of our conferences in downtown Rome kept within one of the first Pharmacies ever created in the history: Noble College of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Universitas Aromatoriarum Urbis inside the Roman Forum.

The premises come with a narrow and long rectangular layout.

The design intended then to create some curves either on the elevations and on the underside of ceiling in order to “guide” the patient and make him look at the whole “front-end retail space” which is supported by a “meet & greet” counter desk for those clients who are in a hurry and want to buy just one product. 

The internal environment is luminous and colored, cozy and sophisticated, and the colored pattern inspired by the ‘70s play a paramount role in subdividing the macro-areas and the category spaces.

Some design lights have been added, as well as plaster board curves which make the light more vibrant as a result of a more articulated “Light Study” carried out by Sartoretto Verna Designers.

Both the Consultancy / Health Services Rooms and the visible Laboratory are transparent and inviting. As far as the Ethical Area is concerned, the “Lea” counter desk units had been chosen.

All the initial amazement was wisely supported by the logistics know-how to make the client understand the easy guidelines (papers, custom office and shipping issues) to frame the operation within. And he was relieved to see that it was easy to work with us and everything was possible by reasonable timing!

We activated our representative architect in NYC working on our behalf to get all the needed permit papers to get the Pharmacy project approved. All the Planning Permission drawings submitted to the City Council Authority (from the Demolition up to Electrical Plan and so on…) were arranged in conjunction with our client’s own technician and smoothly approved by the NYC Department of Buildings.

We relied on our consolidated logistics network of shipping companies and made Dr. Zargarov talk to a local broker to carry out all the Custom Office operations successfully.

The Pharmacy layout is fresh, innovative, and even easy to the eye in accordance to clients’ feedback. The result of the front end is bright and communicative with a strong welcoming character to invite people in.



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