
Best Booth at Cosmofarma, Services Pavilion A New and Revolutionary Pharmacy Format

Best Booth at Cosmofarma, Services Pavilion

A New and Revolutionary Pharmacy Format



The 2019 edition of Cosmofarma has just ended and as always it was a pleasure for Sartoretto Verna to welcome customers, partners and friends to share our proposals for the future.

Standing Room Only at Capsula Event

Architect Luca Sartoretto Verna brought to Bologna Capsula – our creative laboratory for pharmacists, presenting a new and revolutionary format for pharmacy services:


HEALTH CENTER – the community Pharmacist, the Pharmacy at the Center of Health


Continuous research and study of the international pharmacy market allows us to confidently interpret changes taking place year after year, and to identify concrete strategic proposals.

Sartoretto Verna has been designing, furnishing and communicating since 1965 with the added value of offering 360 ° support when carrying out restyling projects, that are unique and that free you from the price war.

We have always strongly believed in the professional pharmacy and, like you, we want to bring back the pharmacy as a profession.

Are you passionate but feel lost?

We have the answers you have been looking for and we want to share them with you for free if you contact us now.


Enough Commercial Pharmacies!

Pharmacists can and must change perspective.


Businesses and consultants have been pushing you in the wrong direction for years.

But today you have realised that you keep on losing profit margins and that the image of your pharmacy is being compromised because it is similar to that of large organized distribution.

“We’re the ones from commercial pharmacies” people were shouting today. They don’t understand you, they don’t really know you like Sartoretto Verna does, we have been by pharmacists’ sides for 3 generations.

The pharmacy does, and will represent HEALTH and we can concretely help you integrate with your LOCAL COMMUNITY in the internet era where everything seems irremediably changed.

TOGETHER we can become an unbeatable team creating community pharmacies for the future.


Do you want to be one of the first to make a truly health-focused pharmacy?

It’s a Sartoretto Verna exclusive, unique and inimitable that will make you unique and inimitable


=> Contact Us Now


If you think that the pharmacy category you belong to is saturated with competition and you feel discouraged and disappointed, then let’s meet.

We have the solution.

Services and spaces to interact with your clients/patients together, the displays, and the right product communication are the answer to people’s current health needs, and they will make your pharmacy unique and indispensable.

Creating your Health Center with Sartoretto Verna will give you back full control of your business.

The quality of your new pharmacy proposal will allow you to regain authority, it will give credit to your professionality and release you from price dynamics.

You will have a high profit margin pharmacy once more, as well as the image that

experienced health professionals like you and your employees deserve.


Best Services Pavilion



A mirror of our ideas, the Sartoretto Verna stand in the new pavilion 30 of services, won the FIRST PRIZE at Cosmofarma 2019 for the projects and innovations we presented.

Come inside our winning stand on Facebook

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Sartoretto Verna helps furnish pharmacies that sell more