In Berchem, Belgium, Van Reeth Deprost pharmacy

Belgium as well has its first pharmacy signed Sartoretto Verna. In Berchem, close to Antwerpen, Doctors Van Reeth Deprost bought twice the retail space in order to have the possibility to develop particular sectors and services, previously unthinkable because of the lack of surface.

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The pharmacy has a particular U shape, that can be appreciated thanks to external full open windows and that is underlined by the ceiling that matches the paths. Inside the pharmacy, curved areas of Ral System 2 exhibitors, which override the hallway effect, are alternated with more imposing wooden structures of Ral System 3 exhibitors.

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Next to the counter, a corner is reserved for self-analysis and pressure, the real pharmacy novelties, that daily gain a great response from the clients who understand the effort and the closeness to the problems beyond the products.

The warmth internal atmosphere, that fluctuates from shades of ash wood and natural colors such as light brown, gives a strong welcoming feeling that becomes even more pleasurable during wet and rainy days, very frequent in those places.


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That is the way doctors guarantee to their customers a space where they feel fine, they feel at ease and in the spotlight, a place where it is pleasant to stay and they can look for useful products. Clients are loyal and come back every day, and this means that doctors have found the perfect synthesis between profit maximization, professionalism, solutions and service quality.