Artistic genius: artistic solutions for modern pharmacies

Artistic Genius

What makes a pharmacy really unique? little novelties. Small yet significant details capture customer’s attention and give a pharmacy that playful and charming je ne sais quoi that keeps people coming back.

We choose the novelties that we introduce into our pharmacy interior design with the great care as every new product must transmit exclusivity, freshness and positive energy to your pharmacy’s clientele, reaffirming your professional reputation and making people trust in you. Furthermore, each novelty must be linked to the pharmacist’s traditional core activity in some way.

Following these criteria, Sartoretto Verna has selected a range of artistic details that help create that special atmosphere and can be tailor-made to suit your individual tastes. Hand-made tree sculptures in wood or bronze add a lot of character, transforming simple pillars into marvellous century-old oak trees and bring new life to otherwise boring displays.

Fountains in marble are a delightful addition to your pharmacy which can be personalised with bespoke finishes such as brass taps and tiles or mosaic splash backs.

Stained glass windows are a novel way of dividing up the space that let in lots of light. Stain glass panels are a great way of lighting an area with soft colours. You could also choose to have a stain glass panel with your family’s crest, a local landmark or a famous event in order to give your pharmacy that personal touch.

Cartoon characters made out of two different coloured types of wood are another Sartoretto Verna speciality which are often used to liven up sectors selling children’s products. They are a great way of luring children into the baby parking areas or kids corners where they can play happily while their parents shop.

Waiting areas and benches are located in key points around the pharmacy that have a good view of the pharmacy and the retail area.

We have also brought the latest technology into the pharmacy. Fibre optics creating a starry night’s sky effect or clocks made out of beams of light attract attention and create an enchanting ambience which can be used to guide customers from one area to another.

If customers enjoy being in your pharmacy, then sales increase since your unique interior decor will keep customers coming back and attract new ones.