Opening a new pharmacy is always very challenging. Looking for the right location, negotiating with the local health authorities, compliance with constantly updated regulations, the tight deadlines...

Bruna, Prisca and Rosi are three pharmacists who, looking for their “dreamed pharmacy”, decided to contact our Turin branch office in 2017....

When Elena and Giacomo contacted our Turin branch office, they were looking for a solution to bring their pharmacy up to date and make it a more welcoming and brighter place....

"There’s been a trend in the major medical centers to look at the facility as a ‘distinctifier’ for patients, as an opportunity to solidify their brand identity in healthcare,” says Kate Wendt (IIDA, Director of Interior Design and Associate Principal at Tsoi/Kobus and Associates)...

PureCare Pharmacy Provides Quality Service and Personalized Care to the Community BY ZCODE MAGAZINES In a time where big-box stores have become commonplace, it’s easy for customers to feel anonymous and unimportant. PureCare Pharmacy, a new establishment in Carmel Valley, hopes to change that. Their mission is to...

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