Sartoretto Verna lands in the U.S.

January 2013, opening date for the first pharmacy designed by Sartoretto Verna in the U.S..

The new project brings quality and innovation of the made in Italy style also in the U.S.. The American pharmacy is about to change face, it becomes a meeting point for the community, a place of encounters and wellness, where beauty meets pharmacist’s functionality and professionalism.

Behind the prescription counter no more walls but an open connection from where the pharmacist can embrace, with his sight, the whole ambient that expands in front of him as a public square. Not only the anonymous products, but also answers, solutions, listening.
Enough with the cold soul less and service less drugstores, it is time for a new strand focused on reception and qualified advice.

It is worth to think about this ongoing trend for the independent American pharmacies, to compete and often to win the Large Retail Organization giants through experience and loyalty, attention and service, professionalism and emotion. By now the customer is fed up with the anonymous and repetitive relationship with the Large Retail Organization, and chooses to be himself and to express himself with careful and competent pharmacists.

This new pharmacy will show how it is simple to shop in a comfortable atmosphere, where communication is clear and well spread, without excess. The light will be inviting, such as the warm colors, colors of the world, bond both to the building, part of an historical community, and both to the idea of approaching customers. The new American pharmacy is going to be unique and different, instead of being cold and aseptic where all the products are stacked all in the same way, it will have the communicative force of a huge commercial space with the ambience and the elegance of a small boutique.

The drugstore becomes again a Pharmacy, the community’s Pharmacy: “A community focal point”.