PureCare Pharmacy Provides Quality Service and Personalized Care to the Community BY ZCODE MAGAZINES In a time where big-box stores have become commonplace, it’s easy for customers to feel anonymous and unimportant. PureCare Pharmacy, a new establishment in Carmel Valley, hopes to change that. Their mission is to...

Sartoretto Verna is proud to announce its partnership with 20Ways Magazine . The mission of 20Ways is to educate pharmacy managers on products and services that serve to improve patient care or to improve a pharmacy's financial bottom-line...

Shahida Choudhry, PharmD, is the proud owner of Palms Pharmacy in Tampa, Florida. A Brooklyn, New York, native, she is a graduate of the Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy at Long Island University...

Omar Eliwa stands inside Welltopia, the pharmacy he recently opened in Thiensville which combines medications with supplements and an emphasis on personalized service to enhance patient results...

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